The study of business and management offers structured insight into both the
theoretical and practical dimensions of organisations and its management.
Students will gain detailed knowledge of the various key functional areas of a
business while developing an appreciation of the complex environment in which
businesses operate and a solid understanding of the relationship between
management theories and practice.
This course also imparts a wide range of crucial skills that make this programme
a great springboard for those intending to pursue a career in business.
Learning Outcomes
The course is designed to integrate a deep understanding of the subject matter
with the development of key skills and competencies needed, allowing students to
adapt to a rapidly changing, dynamic, and competitive global marketplace. Upon
completion, students will be able to:
► Communicate effectively through a variety of media to facilitate
organisational and business goals.
► Use analytical skills to make judgments and decisions and deploy problemsolving
methods in dynamic and changing environments.
► Establish personal and
organisational values,
ethics, behaviours and
patterns of action that
engender trust, respect
and collaboration.
► Demonstrate the ability
to foster constructive
professional and
personal relationships
to achieve
organisational goals.
Course Subjects
Students will be exposed to a number of critical areas over 3 semesters and are
assessed through a combination of written examinations and assignments.
Year 1:
► Accounting & Business Environment
► Economics
► Organisational Behaviour
► Marketing Management
► Basic Business Statistics (Elective)
► Management (Elective)
► Ethnic Studies (MPU)
Year 2:
► Financial Management
► Human Resource Management
► Strategic Management
► Operations Management
► Business Communication (Elective)
► Management Information System (Elective)
► Community Service (MPU)
► Critical Thinking (MPU)
► Ethics of Communication (MPU)
Year 3:
► As required by the respective partner universities